COMPCONTROL ING. is a private company, that was established in 1997.
• Starting with 1998, COMPCONTROL ING. has performed non-destructive examinations at Cernavoda NPP Unit 1, on a regular basis and during outages. NDE have been executed by a team of over 50 specialists, authorized by ISCIR and CNCAN (level 2 and 3).
• Since 2002, a mixed team of specialists from ZETEC and COMPCONTROL ING. performed eddy currents inspections at heat exchangers and steam generators from the Cernavoda NPP. In 2004, for its first deployment, the ZR-1 ZETEC robot was used to perform eddy current examinations of CANDU steam generators, at the Cernavoda NPP.
• Since 2003, a team of COMPCONTROL ING. specialists performed NDE as part of the Inaugural Inspection Program on the platform of CNE INVEST Cernavoda NPP Unit 2. After 2007, COMPCONTROL ING. has performed NDE at Cernavoda NPP Unit 2, on a regular basis and during outages.
• The company performed NDE in the petrochemical industry, aerospace industry, hydropower plants, thermo-power plants, machinery and components industry.
• In 2009, COMPCONTROL ING. acquired a Radiographic Laboratory in Ploiesti.

Since November 2023 COMPCONTROL ING was bought by OCA GLOBAL GROUP and operates as a member of the OCA Global Family.
The main services provided by our company are the following:

Non-destructive examinations

Ultrasonic testing of products/ equipment/ components:
• Forged (rough and finished state)
• Forged (machined or not)
• Plates and boiler shells
• Tubular forged products
• Welds
• Wall thickness, coatings and “sandwich” structure

Eddy currents testing of:
• Mass production components, made of ferromagnetic and non-ferromagnetic materials, using two basic methods, encircling coils and bobbin coils;
• Equipment and auxiliary power generation, petrochemical heat exchanger tubes, using ect (non-ferromagnetic materials) or rft (ferromagnetic materials);
• Machinery, component, automotive and aerospace industries.

Radiographic testing using Gamma Rays sources (Iridium 192).

Liquids penetrant testing with contrast or fluorescent penetrants.

Magnetic testing with black or fluorescent magnetic powder, using dry or wet methods.

Leak testing on tanks and pressurized equipment.

Visual examinations.

Consulting in the non-destructive field regarding to:
• Equipment and accessories used during a technological process
• Elaborating procedures, working instructions and plans, technical specifications process Plates and boiler shells
• Data interpretation and evaluation of nde results process
• Setting the requirements for eddy currents examinations in order to increase confidence in the obtained results and to compare the results of sequential examinations process

Additional services
• Software products specialized for non-destructive examinations (design and implementation, computerized NDE processes and examination database (for traceability).
• Design and homologation of devices and accessories related to NDE applications.
• Research and analysis studies in NDE (inspection procedures, primary evaluations and other specific documentation).
• Research and analysis studies of final NDE reports/ data and assessment of inspection results.
• Establish the material integrity structural limit of nuclear/classic components and estimate remaining life-time of equipment, including life assessment studies.
• Establish the growth rate for degradation mechanism of products or equipment, based on NDE results.
• Design and research activities for verification and repairing of pressurized equipment.
• Import/ export of NDE equipment, accessories, consumables and information technology products.
• Maintenance and tube plugging of heat exchangers.
• Independently reviewing (as a third party) for NDE.

I.S.C.I.R License for the following examinations:
• Ultrasonic (UT), including PA – UT and TOFD
• Magnetic Particle (MT)
• Liquid Penetrant (PT)
• Eddy Current (ET)
• Leak Testing (LT)
• Radiographic (RT)

I.S.C. (STATE INSPECTORATE IN CONSTRUCTION) authorization for performing tests for CO (steel constructions) and INM (metal non-destructive tests)
C.N.C.A.N License for the Quality Management System in the Nuclear Field (3rd class), according to ASME
Code, Sect. III, Subsection NCA, Articles 3800 and 4000, with the following limits:
• Non-destructive testing (ut, pt, mt, lt, et, rt)
• Life assessments studies (the material integrity, structural limit of nuclear/ classic components and estimate remaining lifetime of equipment)
• Analyzes and technical expertise to establish technical conditions and lifetime assessment

License to Hold Radiographic Installations
License for Transportation of the Radiographic Installations
License to Utilize Radiographic Installations inside/ outside of the NDE Laboratory
Acceptance Certificate for Activities Performed in the Controlled Area of the NPP

Certificate acc SR EN ISO 9001:2015
Certificate acc SR EN ISO 14001:2015
Certificate acc SR ISO 45001:2018

• COMPCONTROL ING. team is composed of NDE specialists, authorized level II and III, by ISCIR, CNCAN, SNT-TC-1A and EN 9712. This team performs high level quality services for NDE projects.
• Our staff of qualified, certified, professional radiographers operate within strict safety parameters and produce high quality radiographs that allow us to utilize our interpretation skills honed through many years of experience, to determine if an anomaly is actually a defect or can be accepted per code requirements.
• Our company strives to ensure the best opportunities for its employees to achieve the highest training and qualification levels in NDE, quality assurance and other relevant fields.
• The knowledge accumulated by our specialists by attending NDE courses organized at ISIM Timisoara, IFA, POLITEHNICA University Bucharest, combined with field experience at large Romanian companies as well as abroad in countries like Norway, Italy, Spain, Egypt, France, etc. defines their professionalism and competence in NDE.

The main goals of our company are:
• Implementing new technology equipment on the Romanian market as well as adapting the NDE activities to the international standards and demands related to the quality and safety exploitation norms;
• Improving the quality of NDE using modern equipment and technologies, in conformity with internal and international market demands;
• Improving the relationships of cooperation with research institutions, which have interest in the non-destructive field and want to develop partnerships with foreign companies;
• Qualifying young personnel for NDE activities, taking into consideration the fact that the average age of Romanian specialists is high.

