mai 12, 2024 0

Ne bucurăm să anunțăm prezența ROMATOM la ediția din acest an a NPPES. Mai mult decât atât, leadership-ul ROMATOM a fost invitat să susțină o prezentare. Cu această ocazie, va fi promovat ecosistemul nuclear din România.

Iată, în cele ce urmează, mesajul organizatorilor pentru membrii ROMATOM:

„We’re thrilled to announce the return of 10th Nuclear Power Plants Expo & Summit (NPPES 2024, 2-3 July) happening in, Istanbul operated by the Nuclear Industry Association of Türkiye (NIATR) and supported by ROMATOM.

NPPES 2024 brings together the most influential minds and decision-makers to discuss, collaborate, and drive the future of nuclear industry. SPIC, KHNP, Rosatom, Assytems, Akkuyu Nuclear, Titan2IC are the main supporters of NPPES 2024. The president of ROMATOM will be one of the keynote speakers

NPPES 2024 continues its strong growth trajectory as we surpass a new milestone of 85+ exhibitors. As a supplier of nuclear industry, NPPES may be the perfect opportunity for your company and present your solutions to the nuclear energy community.”

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